VI Levels - Where Every Member is a Family Member.

Frequently Asked Questions

Got Questions? We've Got Answers!

General Membership Questions

At what age can I enroll my child in BJJ at 6 Levels Orlando?

While our Youth BJJ Program has a starting age of 4.5 years old, we do offer our Mighty Mites Program to 2 - 4.5 year old's. Mighty Mites is a great program to help our younger students learn basic skills that will be crucial for our Youth BJJ Program without overwhelming our littles with an extended class time.

We try to keep our parents in the loop by announcing at the beginning of class of any upcoming events, announcements, or changes to our schedule. However, we do recommend parents and students should follow us on social media for real-time and emergent updates.

Private lessons are a wonderful way to get one-on-one time with one of our skilled and knowledgeable coaches. From learning a new skill or cleaning up a known skill, these lessons can really bring your or your child's BJJ game up! The sessions can vary and duration and subject. Each coach has their set rates. For more information, please see the coach you'd like to schedule a private lesson with, and they will be more than happy to assist you.

We are thrilled to offer our NEW! Official 6 Levels Online Training- a database of detailed videos to help your BJJ game skyrocket! Please see the "Online Training" tab on our site for more information. If you choose not to join our Online Training Program, we always recommend our parents should try to encourage their child to do a small set of training comprised of some of our warmup exercises throughout their week. We also recommend small changes and implementations such as "standing up in base" and practicing how to tie their own Gi belt at home. These small changes really help our students with retaining simple basics that are crucial to our classes.

While BJJ is our "bread and butter", so to speak, we are proud to offer boxing/striking and MMA private lessons. As for other sports, we do offer a variety of sports conditioning, as well as personal fitness private lessons. Please note that while we do offer one-on-one lessons, we are able to accommodate group private lessons to meet any of your fitness needs. See a 6 Levels Coach for more details.

We do offer our Cash 4 Clients Program where, if an existing student refers a new student* we offer 10% off their next month's tuition. *New student referring to a paid enrollment after Free 1-Week Trial

We offer a variety of special events at our facility. If you are interested in participating, please note we do ask you RSVP at the front desk at any time during your time at our gym. If, for whatever reason, you are unable to sign up at the front desk, call our facility to have us sign you up. Please note that, for most events, same-day sign ups and walk-ins are absolutely welcome!

We do our best to announce any upcoming events, special seminars, or various announcements at the start of your respective class time. We do offer, for your convenience, an Events tab on our website that will have detailed information for any events and seminars. We also recommend signing up for our monthly e-newsletter where we inform you monthly announcements. To sign up for our monthly e-newsletter, please see the sign-up form at the bottom of our homepage or ask a coach at our front desk for assistance in doing so.

Billing Questions

How do I change my card on file?

To make any changes to your account, you must e-mail: [email protected] Please be advised any changes or holds may take up to 1 month (or 30 days) to update and apply. Note: Cancellations during your 6-month contract are subject to applicable fees as laid out per your enrollment contract.

We can do that! As per your enrollment agreement, we require to be notified 1 month (30 days) in advance of any account holds or cancellations. Any billing changes MUST be done by sending an e-mail request to [email protected] However, if you are within your 6-month enrollment contract, and wish to make any changes or cancellations, fees may apply. Please e-mail [email protected] for more information.

Gear Questions

What gear does a Youth or Teen student need for their respective program?

Students enrolled in our Youth or Teens classes will be required to wear full-Gi for both Mondays and Tuesdays at our gym. We do offer Official 6 Levels Gi's at the front desk for order. The color options available are white & blue. Please be advised that our Official 6 Levels Gi is the only Gi we will be accepting as a student's uniform going forward. The material for this martial art is more durable for rolling on the mat whereas other martial arts kimonos are thinner and not meant to grapple on the floor therefore we feel confident in this brand. Please make sure the Gi is properly washed and clean before each class. Proper hygiene is important and expected of all our students. Mouth guards are recommended for full-Gi classes. For Wednesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays our students are required to wear their no-Gi "uniform" comprised of a 6-Levels t-shirt or rash guard along with appropriate sports bottoms. Official 6 Levels rash guards are available for pre-order at the front desk. We are also excited to offer our Official 6 Levels fight shorts available and in stock in various sizes for kids and adults at our front desk. Mouthguards are recommended for no-Gi classes. For Striking/Boxing Classes, students are required to have their own: sparring headgear, full-coverage boxing gloves (due to safety, no MMA gloves where their fingers are exposed, please), shin guards and mouth guards. These items are available on websites such as Amazon, Ringside, or Title Boxing. Any questions regarding which items would be best for your child, please feel free to ask a coach for help.

For Striking/Boxing Classes, students are required to have their own: sparring headgear, full-coverage boxing gloves (due to safety, no MMA gloves where their fingers are exposed, please), shin guards and mouth guards. These items are available on websites such as Amazon, Ringside, or Title Boxing Any questions regarding which items would be best for your child, please feel free to ask a coach for help.

Students enrolled in our Adult BJJ Program will be required to wear full-Gi for both Mondays and Wednesdays at our gym. We do offer Official 6 Levels Gi's at the front desk for order. The color options available are white & blue. Please be advised if you order a Gi elsewhere, the Gi must be white, blue, or black. Also, beware when ordering that you are ordering a "Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu" or "BJJ" Gi, as the material for this martial art is more durable for rolling on the mat whereas other martial arts kimonos are thinner and not meant to grapple on the floor. Please make sure your Gi is properly washed and cleaned between each class. Proper hygiene is important and expected from all our students. As adults, we must take extra precaution to be considerate with our personal hygiene as we have full contact with our classmates. Mouth guards are recommended for full-Gi classes. For Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays our students are required to wear their no-Gi "uniform" comprised of a 6-Levels t-shirt or rash guard along with appropriate sports bottoms. Official 6 Levels rash guards are available for pre-order at the front desk. We are also excited to offer our Official 6 Levels fight shorts in-stock in various sizes- for both kids and adults- available at our front desk. Mouthguards are recommended for no-Gi classes. Any questions regarding which items would be best for you, please feel free to ask a coach for help.

Students enrolled in our Mighty Mite Program will be required to wear a 6 Levels t-shirt to class. They are not required to own their own boxing gloves, as they can borrow from the used glove bin in class. However, for sanitary purposes, we do recommend you purchase your child their own full coverage gloves.

Promotions Questions

My child missed the scheduled Belt Promotions event, what now?"

While we do encourage everyone show up at our Belt Promotions events, we do understand when someone can't make it due to other obligations. We do offer a "make up day" following such an event which will normally take place during your child's respective class time (this day usually lands on the Monday following a Belt Promotion event). If your child cannot attend the "make up day," please see a Coach at the front desk and we will do our best to accommodate you.

Unlike in our kid's classes, adult BJJ belt promotions are not periodically scheduled. Belt promotions are based on each student's performance, comprehension, and dedication along with other factors. Not everyone will be promoted at the same pace.

Regarding our Youth and Teens Programs, we promote using the Gracie Jiu-Jitsu Ranking System. Because we believe our students' safety is more important and believe they should be better prepared rather than be concerned with the color or ranking of their belt, we don't charge for belt promotions. However, please do keep in mind, if we do promote your child to a different belt, you are responsible for providing their new belt or you may permit us to charge the card on your account and we will order your child's new belt for you- a sign-up sheet for this will be available at the front desk on our belt promotion days. We take careful consideration when promoting our students and not everyone will be promoted at the same pace. There are several factors that we consider when reviewing a student's progress for promotion day. For promotion day, we expect each student well-groomed and in full-Gi with their class belt. Belt Promotion events will take place 3-4 times throughout the calendar year. To help you understand the belt system, there is an image below. The white stripes you see on the belts are referred to "degrees" (for example, a yellow belt with 3 white stripes would be referred to as a yellow belt in the 3rd degree). As you can see, the junior belt system ends at green belt. This is the highest belt a student may earn for ages 15 and under.

Competition Questions

How do I join the 6 Levels Competition Team?

Our 6 Levels Competition Team is made up an exceptional group of our student athletes! Our Comp Team Coach, Coach Ray will periodically host Competition Team tryouts. For any Comp Team inquiries, please see him or our Head Coach, Coach Jon.

For our regular BJJ programs and classes, we follow the Gracie Jiu-Jitsu Ranking System. However, for our Competition Team, we do follow the IBJJF Belt Ranking System. To find out more information, please see Coach Ray.

Please see Coach Ray or Coach Jon for any competition inquiries.

Donload VI Levels On Demand

Stream our ever-expanding library of self-defense techniques – Anytime. Anywhere

VI Levels of Mixed Martial Arts


A huge part of personal safety is your mental attitude and mindset.


If your body isn’t healthy, you’re not ready to defend yourself.


Self-defense is about preventing, protecting, and removing yourself.


Helps you to create space or to distract the threat.

Take Down

Knowing how to avoid going to the ground or how to put the threat on the ground.


How to handle the threat from your back or side and to get back up.

Conveniently Located...

in Winter Garden, a short jab from 429 and Florida Turnpike.